Pavement Management

For over 30 years, HSH has assisted municipalities in better managing their most valuable asset: their roadway network. Our staff has provided expert assessments and analysis to countless communities throughout the Commonwealth. Our extensive experience with public works officials has given us a vast understanding of what a successful pavement management program requires. Our team develops programs that are well received by community stakeholders and the public. We strive to offer our clients cost-effective pavement management solutions. HSH is currently working with the City of Marlborough and MassDOT on Resurfacing and Related Work on Route 20. The purpose of this project is to provide improvements to safety, pedestrian and bicycle user accommodations, pavement condition, stormwater management, and traffic control devices.

Peter Wroblewski, P.E.

Peter is a Senior Civil Engineer with 10 years of experience across both the public and private sectors in project management, program management, construction oversight, roadway design, and complete streets design. Peter has worked on federal, state, and local projects in Illinois, California, and Massachusetts. Prior to joining HSH, Peter oversaw the County of Santa Barbara pavement and asset network as the Asset Manager. Peter brings his expertise in pavement assessment, treatment selection, design, and construction oversight of a myriad of treatments from fog seals and slurry seals, to full-depth reclamation projects.


Statewide ADA Prioritization and Design
Massachusetts Department of Transportation – Statewide, MA
HSH is working with all six MassDOT Districts, MassDOT Highway Design, and the MassDOT Office of Diversity and Civil Rights on the prioritization and design of ADA compliant curb ramps as a federal requirement of the MassDOT ADA Transition program. HSH is reviewing the initial data set of non-compliant ramps for every District, and will prioritize the list using a comprehensive data-driven approach. The prioritization will follow the new guidelines introduced in the NCHRP Report 803 Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation Along Existing Roads – Active Trans Priority Tool Guidebook released in April 2015. Once the curb ramp priority list is finalized, HSH will provide survey and design. We will then assemble a contract document package for advertisement and bidding. HSH will also implement an agile project delivery process coordinated with MassDOT to facilitate parallel agency review periods. Peter performed a peer constructability review on this project to assess the design of the various proposed curb ramps throughout MassDOT District 5. Peter provided feedback and recommendations to the project manager regarding the layout and compliance of all curb ramps to assure the highest level of accessibility to all transportation users.

Resurfacing and Related Work on Route 20
Massachusetts Department of Transportation – Marlborough, MA
HSH is working with the City and MassDOT to reconstruct and enhance the roadway to improve conditions for multimodal travel and to ensure that the roadway is serviceable for many years to come. The purpose of this project is to provide improvements to safety, pedestrian and bicycle user accommodations, pavement condition, stormwater management, and traffic control devices along Route 20. The proposed project limits extend from Peters Avenue to the Sudbury Town line for a total length of approximately 2.4 miles. The design will include proven and tested transportation design and Complete Streets treatments that promote and enable safe travel and activity throughout the corridor. Peter is fufiling a project oversight and support role for the 2.5 mile corridor of roadway to be resurfaced on Route 20. Peter ensures that comments received from MassDOT on HSH submittals are appropriately addressed, and is providing project management support to the active PM when necessary.

Pavement Management Project Manager
County of Santa Barbara Public Works – Santa Barbara, CA
Peter’s responsibilities included: being a first responder during storm events, including the Thomas fire and corresponding Debris Flow Incident. Ensured state and federal contract compliance (FEMA and FHWA). Inspected disaster sites, prepared restoration projects, and procured contracts to repair sites; expert StreetSaver user, the pavement management software utilized by the County. Actively manages inputs and creates custom reports to guide the decision-making processes that determine treatments; lead member of the Asset Team, Pavement Team, and GIS team. Incorporated all three teams into joint efforts; headed the contract administration team for construction projects’ and designed an alternative restoration measure using concrete lined geogrid.