Seaport Square, South Boston

Boston Global Investors LLC
Boston, Massachusetts
Since 2006, HSH has served as the lead transportation planning, traffic engineering, and parking consultant for Seaport Square, a 7.6M square-foot, mixed-use development in the South Boston Waterfront. HSH continues to work with the developer teams during construction, providing support on access, circulation, and street-level connectivity. As each building phase is completed, HSH prepares a Transportation Access Plan Agreement (TAPA) that codifies site access, changes to the public way, and commitments of off-site mitigation and the travel demand management program.
Current efforts include developing loading/service area design refinements to provide sufficient truck maneuverability and monitoring of the on-going impact of area development on transit services, including Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) bus routes, MBTA Silver Line, and land/water shuttles. Throughout the last decade, HSH evaluated local bus routes and the SilverLine transit services in the South Boston Waterfront, including existing and future ridership projections compared to the MBTA’s “planning” and “crush” capacity thresholds.
HSH incorporates Complete Street design elements, such as bicycle accommodations and safe pedestrian crossings into on-going design efforts, including the recently designed signal plans and pavement markings for several locations along Seaport Boulevard. HSH has worked with the City to update the area’s traffic signal timings to reduce vehicle congestion and improve travel times.