One North of Boston Phase II, Chelsea

Transdel Corporation; Redgate Real Estate Advisors
Chelsea, Massachusetts
One North of Boston is a multi-family residential development project located within Chelsea’s Residential 2 Zoning District and Everett Avenue Urban Renewal Area that takes up approximately eight acres. The development consisted of two phases providing over 450 residential units. Approximately 170 surface parking spaces were also provided. The Project was developed with the preliminary flood plain elevation in mind. This required grading up from the natural grade several feet. It also included upgrading the adjacent roads including constructing water mains, sewer, and storm drains. The development team worked closely with the City of Chelsea to obtain a MassWorks grant to help pay for the public infrastructure improvements. HSH designed a stormwater management system utilizing best management practices (BMPs), including raingardens and subsurface infiltrations. HSH worked closely with the City of Chelsea on their adjacent public infrastructure improvements that were funded through a MassWorks grant.