Route 30 Reconstruction Project
Town of Weston
Weston, Massachusetts
HSH is currently designing safety, multimodal, and operational improvements for the entire 3.7 mile length of Route 30, from Newton to Natick. This is a heavily traveled road for commuters and is in need of sidewalks and bicycle accommodations. Working closely with the Town, the Traffic & Sidewalk Committee (T&SC), the Board of Selectmen, and abutters to the project, HSH has developed a plan that will address the Complete Streets needs of the corridor. Central to the plan was a discussion comparing buffered bike lanes versus a shared use path. The project received unanimous support from the Board and has now advanced to the 25% design stage. The proposed project includes:
- Full corridor improvements with new pavement (mill and overlay with areas of full depth);
- 10-foot shared use path that primarily runs along the south side of the road;
- New ADA ramps, signage, and pavement markings; and
- Geometric improvements at several intersections including new proposed traffic signals, as well as drainage improvements and environmental permitting at two intersections.