Intersection and Drainage Improvements at Boston Road and Concord Road, Chelmsford

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Chelmsford, Massachusetts
HSH designed geometric and drainage improvements at the intersection of Boston Road (Route 4) and Concord Road for the Town of Chelmsford. This project involved the replacement of the existing headwalls and culvert that carries Farley Brook under the intersection. It also improved intersection geometry, shortened pedestrian crossings, and added a crossing on Boston Road with a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB), bike lanes, ADA-compliant sidewalks and ramps, new striping, signage, and drainage improvements.
As the culvert replacement involved removing an existing 42” corrugated metal pipe and replacing it with an eight-foot by four-foot box culvert with new headwalls, environmental permitting was required. HSH worked with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) on the Notice of Intent, which was filed with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the local Conservation Commission. The design included wetland replication and flood storage compensation. This project also included a Pre-Construction Notification Form required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.