Simmons University, Boston

Simmons University
Boston, Massachusetts
Founded in 1899, Simmons University is a distinguished, innovative institution that has effectively maintained a modern campus through a series of Institutional Master Plans (IMPs). HSH has worked for the University since 1999 on transportation plans and IMP permitting for three major capital projects on the Main Academic Campus in the Longwood Medical and Institutional Area. The first project was an academic building housing the Graduate Schools of Social Work and Library Science. The second was a new library building on the corner of The Fenway and Avenue Louis Pasteur to equip the libraries with state-of-the-art technology. HSH also assisted in constructing the Graduate School of Management to house classrooms, administrative and faculty offices, and event space. These projects all included transportation planning and Article 80-related transportation permitting. For the Graduate School of Management building, HSH also worked with the contractor on plans for maintenance of traffic during construction.
HSH worked on the current IMP Notification Form/Project Notification Form detailing the College of Natural, Behavioral, and Health Sciences (CNBHS) and Library renovations, and the Living and Learning Center Project totaling approximately 401,000 square feet, for its Academic Campus in the Fenway. The proposed IMP and Draft Project Impact Report (DPIR) will meet the specifications of Article 80.