Pedestrian and Cyclist Improvements along Tremont Street
Boston Transportation Department
Boston, Massachusetts
As part of an on-call contract, HSH prepared conceptual through final design for this corridor, and supported the City in its neighborhood outreach for the project. The site was identified through Go Boston 2030 as a priority project to become a Neighborhood Complete Streets corridor. The goal is to promote safe travel for all modes of transportation, with a focus on pedestrians and cyclists. The community sought to find options for maintaining existing on-street parking, and HSH developed design concepts to minimize loss of on-street parking. The proposed design provides floating bus stops, parking, protected bike lanes, ADA-compliant pedestrian ramps and sidewalks, raised crossings, and pedestrian protection islands. We also used the precast modular curbing that was developed by the HSH construction team specially for the City of Boston. Precautions were taken with the layout of these due to recent concerns over vehicle safety. The team stacked a bunch of flexposts in front of the bullnose/end pieces of curbing at potential vehicle conflict points. HSH is currently assisting through construction.