Arborway Parkway Improvements
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts
HSH is providing planning, engineering, and community engagement services to improve safety and connectivity along the Arborway corridor. We are managing a diverse team of professionals to develop and execute a robust community engagement process to build consensus around construction documents that respect the historic nature of Olmstead’s envisioned Emerald Necklace. The design services rendered will ultimately provide an integral connection to a major public transit hub in Forest Hills, a high-quality shared use facilities linking the Emerald Necklace, residences, and commercial destinations. The project scope includes roadway design for local roads and principal arterials under state and municipal jurisdiction.
The project focuses on developing construction documents to support multimodal transportation facilities and ADA-accessible networks while providing climate change resilient infrastructure. The project extends approximately one-mile in length and includes complex network traffic analysis. Traffic design services include the evaluation of traffic safety and operations for all modes (including pedestrians, bicyclists, motor vehicles), and public transit within network segments and at both signalized and unsignalized intersections.