205 Revere Beach Parkway Development
January 18, 2018
This six acre development project in Revere is on track for completion in the Spring of 2019, with 200 multi-family housing units, a five story hotel, and parking facilities. The site, formerly a supermarket, was vacant for more than five years before Gate Residential began envisioning a bright future for Revere Beach Parkway.
HSH worked with the development team, the City of Revere, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to obtain necessary permits, and apply for and ultimately receive a $3.6 million MassWorks grant to fund improvements to the surrounding infrastructure.
“The site had several wetland resource areas associated with Sales Creek. It included riverfront area, filled tidelands, and land subject to coastal storm flowage” noted Chief Engineer Rick Latini, P.E. “This is an area of critical environmental concern and outstanding resource water; we worked closely with the Revere Conservation Commission and MassDEP to develop the design, along with our wetlands consultant, a Wildlife Habitat Evaluation and Mitigation Plan.”
The development includes a high-intensity use parking lot, in which the stormwater discharge was to sensitive Sales Creek area. Therefore we designed a stormwater management system that supplies superior treatment to the storm water before discharge.
As HSH is a one-stop shopping firm, we were able to follow the project from development of the site through civil engineering, traffic infrastructure improvements, and ultimately into the current construction phase which will transform this abandoned site into a pedestrian and transit friendly area with significant growth potential.
For more on the project: http://www.reverejournal.com/2017/08/16/update-on-205-revere-beach-parkway/