Leicester Town Common Multi-modal Improvements

Town of Leicester
Leicester, Massachusetts
This project included multi-modal improvements such as constructing a shared use path around the Town Common, reconstructing sidewalks, filling critical sidewalk gaps, constructing a raised crosswalk, and reconstructing the pathways in and around the Town Common area that provide connections to Town Hall, First Congregational Church, the former Becker College campus buildings, and the Public Library. Additionally, a new sidewalk was constructed along the easterly side of Paxton Street, and the existing sidewalks, crosswalks, and curb ramps along Winslow Avenue to the elementary school were reconstructed for ADA-compliance and improved visibility providing a safer route to school. Washburn Square improvements included reconstructing all sidewalks, curb ramps and crosswalks, and construction of a raised crosswalk connecting Town Hall to the Town Common. Washburn Square was also widened to install a shared use path around the Town Common loop to promote multi-modal travel in this highly utilized area. A handicap viewing area was added for use during Town Common events such as the summer concert series.