Route 30 Over the Charles Bridge Replacement and Corridor Reconstruction

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Newton/Weston, Massachusetts
HSH is the lead traffic and civil engineer for a bridge replacement and corridor reconstruction project for Route 30 (Commonwealth Avenue) over the Charles River. Included as part of this project is interchange modifications with I-95 and a relocation of an on-ramp from a bridge over I-95. HSH’s roadway alignment design reclaims unusable space held within the existing median over the existing bridge to provide high-quality and safe shared spaces including a 12-foot-wide sidepath bike and pedestrian facility. The project requires a development of the construction phasing for staged bridge construction that includes temporary signalized intersections and provides a plan to complete all improvements with minimal impact to abutters and the public. HSH’s community engagement focuses on communication with project stakeholders including the community, advocates, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), and municipal officials to develop a design that meets the future goals for all users of the corridor. HSH has developed an Interchange Modification Report for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as part of this effort.