Burns Bridge, Worcester | Shrewsbury

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Shrewsbury and Worcester, Massachusetts
This vital transportation link for the central Massachusetts region carries 47,700 vehicles each weekday, as well as substantial pedestrian traffic. Through the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s (MassDOT’s) Accelerated Bridge Program, the bridge was successfully replaced with a new span to meet current and future traffic demands.
For this design/build project, HSH developed the 25% base technical concept for all Temporary Traffic Control Plans (TTCP) for a suggested construction staging and final traffic plans for the interconnected traffic signals, enhanced bicycle/pedestrian accommodations, pavement markings, and signage. The staging included the use of a final bridge alignment as part of the TTCP. HSH performed all traffic analysis using Synchro and developed a preferred alternative for access to the UMass Memorial Hospital, and lakefront access with the design of a traffic circle along Lake Avenue. HSH developed a community engagement plan that included early coordination with public officials and key constituents to gain community trust in the project. HSH also provided construction services support relative to the TTCP.